A smile is one of the main aesthetic factors on our face and is the first thing your interlocutor notices right after your eyes.

Who needs dental prosthetics?

Dental prosthetics is a branch of dental medicine that solves the problem of missing teeth, improves the appearance and function of prosthetic replacements.

Accordingly, it is not surprising that dental prosthetics and cosmetic dentistry are one of the most sought-after disciplines and services in dental medicine.

It is intended for anyone who encounters damaged or weakened teeth as well as those who are missing teeth.

FIXED PROSTHETICS (crowns, bridges, veneers)

Dental crowns are placed on a severely damaged or aesthetically unacceptable tooth and on a natural weakened tooth that needs to be protected and strengthened. They are also placed on a dental implant that replaces a natural tooth.


Total or complete dentures are made in patients with complete edentulousness. In such a case of complete edentulousness, there are several possibilities of resolving such a situation.


All the possibilities of classical prosthetics are also done on implants. In case of one missing tooth, we install one implant and one crown. In case of missing more teeth, a bridge is made on two or more implants

Dental center Škaričić

The first examination includes:

  • specialist first examination
  • diagnosis of the existing condition
  • digital orthopan
  • making an individual treatment plan


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